Frequently Asked Questions

What is the time commitment required of a Board member?

Board member responsibilities can account for up to 250 hours annually, which include but are not limited to traveling and attending board meetings, attendance at Taxposium, and optional attendance at a Tax Forum and 1-2 chapter events​. Whenever practical, Board meetings will be held virtually.

Do I need to make travel arrangements to attend Board functions?

You do not need to make arrangements for the scheduled Board meetings; however, you will be responsible for hotel arrangements for Chapter meetings/events that you may attend.

Will I be reimbursed for travel and per diem expenses incurred as a Board member?

NATP will typically make the travel arrangements for Board members. If Board members choose to make their own travel arrangements, reimbursement will be made based on NATP's travel guidelines. For travel days on behalf of NATP, a per diem is paid in lieu of actual expense reimbursement for meals.

What is the compensation for Board meetings and are there any other benefits available to a Board member?

Board members receive a daily stipend while attending regularly scheduled Board meetings. Board members also receive compensation and reimbursement for associated expenses for each day of Chapter event attended as the National Representative. Board members also receive free registration for all NATP education.

Is there a limit as to how many years a member can run for the Board and not be elected?

There is no limit.

What are the minimum eligibility requirements to run for the Board?

Members who are at least 25 years old and in good standing, have completed at least 8 hours of education provided by NATP either at the state or national level per year for each of the past two (2) years, have worked full-time or part-time in the tax preparation industry, have been a member of NATP for at least three of the last five years, and have attended at least one (1) in-person, educational event provided by NATP national within the last two (2) years.

Is there a certain degree of education you must have to be eligible to run for the Board?

There are no specific educational requirements defined for a National Board member, but each candidate should be knowledgeable in the tax, accounting and/or financial fields.

If I am not a credentialed tax preparer, can I still run for the Board?

Absolutely. Any member who meets the minimum eligibility requirements can run for the Board.

Must I be an active NATP Chapter member to be chosen as a nominee for Board membership?

No, a potential candidate is not required to be a member of an NATP Chapter. NATP has many members in states that do not have a Chapter, and those members each have an equal opportunity to submit an application as a potential candidate for NATP’s Board of Directors. That being said, it would be advantageous to have previous leadership experience. If your state does not have a Chapter, it is beneficial for potential candidates to become active at some level, within NATP—whether that be by serving as a volunteer, serving on a workgroup, visiting nearby Chapters, etc.

Does NATP investigate whether a potential candidate has been sanctioned by any taxing authority?

Candidates will be asked to voluntarily disclose any disciplinary issues, in addition NATP may complete a review of IRS, state tax agency and publicly available websites.

What qualifications are looked for in a prospective Board member?

The prospective candidate should be innovative and capable of thinking into the future five to ten years. Time management, recognizing the necessity of deadlines, working well with others and the ability to compromise are essential characteristics of an effective Board member. Each Board member must consider that they represent the entire membership and commit to putting their individual feelings aside for the good of the organization and membership as a whole.

Are there any geographic limits on who may apply?

No, there are no geographic limits on who may apply.

What is the candidate process and how long does it take?

The process begins with a formal request of a candidate packet from the National Office at Once your eligibility is confirmed you will submit a valid, timely-received packet to the National Office. The Nominations Committee will evaluate your submission and conduct nominee interviews. Once the interview process is complete, a final slate of candidates is submitted to the membership. Members vote and then the ballots are tabulated and certified by a third-party balloting firm. Nominees are contacted and notified of the results before the announcement of the newly elected Board members is made to the membership.

What happens to all the personal information that is submitted to the Nominations Committee?

A waiver is signed as part of the packet that you submit as a candidate for the National Board. This waiver allows your information to be used by the Nominations Committee and released to NATP members and the current Board of Directors to use for voting purposes.

Can I campaign, and how much, and to what extent?

Campaigning is not allowed. The list of nominees selected for the ballot and supporting information will be provided to the members by the National organization.

Is the Board involved in the daily operations of NATP? If not, what direction does the Board give?

The Board is not involved in the day-to-day operations of NATP. It is the duty of the Board to establish the vision for the association, provide oversight and fulfill its fiduciary responsibility to the membership.

Do I need an Internet connection in order to be on the Board?

Yes, email and virtual meetings are a very convenient and effective way to communicate between the members, Chapters, staff and Board of Directors.

If I am elected to the Board can I still be an NATP instructor?

Board members are encouraged to volunteer their knowledge and experience to help with instruction of certain subjects from time to time. Board members may serve as speakers, but they may not be compensated for such services, be it from the National organization or an NATP Chapter, while serving on the Board.

How many Board members serve NATP?

The NATP Bylaws allow for the election of 9 to 11 National Board members.

What is the term of office for a Board member?

Board members are elected to serve a three-year term and may run for re-election at the end of those three years. They may only serve nine years in any 14-year period.

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