Pricing and Submission
All advertisements are posted for 30 days and removed from the website the next business day after expiration. Maximum word limit: 200
| Tax-Related Positions | Tax Practices |
NATP Member | $0 | First posting free, then $150 per posting |
Not a member /Agency | $0 | $200 per posting |
Advertising prices apply to NATP members, at any membership level, who are tax preparers with a current PTIN. Submissions received from nonmembers, brokers, ad agencies, recruiters or any other similar advertiser will be subject to the Agency pricing despite membership level. NATP will determine advertiser category.
NATP members receive one free posting per membership year (if not deemed an Agency).
Payment must be received prior to posting; it may take up to 5 business days to invoice, process and post. The ad runs 30 days from posting date.
Submit an ad
All caps submissions will be denied. NATP will determine ad type. If you have any questions regarding submitting an ad, please contact