Unlock Faster Tax Research with Ask Blue J

Exclusive NATP member benefit

Simplify your tax research with cutting-edge AI technology. Ask Blue J is a state-of-the-art tax research tool designed to answer even the most complex tax questions quickly and accurately. This powerful tool enhances your tax research capabilities and provides valuable insights in record time, helping you work more efficiently and confidently.

Key Benefits of Membership:

  • Professional members: Enjoy 7 consecutive days of unlimited questions, once per membership year.
  • Premium members: Unlock 14 consecutive days of unlimited questions, once per membership year.

Why Choose Ask Blue J?

  • AI-powered precision: Enter your question and Ask Blue J instantly searches thousands of tax law sources, highlighting the most relevant information.
  • Verified sources: Access supporting documentation from trusted sources like the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury Regulations and case law.
  • Quick and reliable: Get clear, authoritative answers backed by comprehensive references, reducing time spent on research.
  • Intuitive chat: Easily ask follow-up questions or draft client responses using built-in prompts designed to guide you through the process.

Ask Blue J demo

Year-Round Access to Ask Blue J:

NATP members can also opt for a year-round, unlimited subscription for continuous access to this next-generation research tool at 60% off the regular price.

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