​​​Texas Chapter Resources

​Chapter Newsletters

State Links

Vendor Discounts

Call for Nominations

IRS First Friday Meeting Notes

Do you have any issues you would like to make IRS aware of? IRS is now holding monthly meetings with practitioners on the first Friday of most months. These meetings are held to discuss systemic issues, not specific clients. The First Friday Meetings contact is Melissa Lewis (melissa@vlbusinesssolution.com).

Please note: Current and future issues of First Friday Meeting can also be found in the Chapter News.

College Scholarship 

Do you know a well-rounded student who possesses a strong work ethic and high integrity? If so, they may be eligible for our NATP Texas Chapter Scholarship. See the requirements and application​ for more details or to nominate someone.


The Texas Chapter NATP created the “MARK” AWARD beginning with our 2012 Annual Meeting. This award is in honor of MARK KISSEL who was very active in the Texas Chapter NATP serving as President in 1993, 1994, & 1995 and in other various board positions from 1996 to 2005. He also served as a Director on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Tax Professionals from 1992 – 2000. He was Vice President in 1993 and President in 1996. Mark joined NATP in 1989. Once you met Mark, you knew you had met a friend for life. He was always there to help, guide, and direct each one individually as they started their business, studied for the EA exam, had a tax problem, had a software problem, or just need encouragement. He was proud to be a Texas and so glad for our Texas Chapter to meet and help provide training for our Texas members.

Chapter Mission Statement​

To Educate and Communicate our unique resources and expertise to businesses, professionals, members and the general public.

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